Mendel Mishulovin with our Cholent Lunch on jetblue!!! WOW what an adventures flight...We rushed our out of Crown Heights to get to the Ohel and well chassidim never want to depart from the rebbe so by the time we got to the airport and checked in our bags and payed all those extra charges for all our extra bags and finally made it to security and to the gate we were told they are just closing the door and we better get on quick or we will miss the flight. Well we were on board and we realized wait slutzkin was not with us. Where is he??? Security had to check him...We thought for sure that he was going to miss the flight and then ...Boruch Hashem he got on. Then we realized our lunch trays cracked in half so we had to take the trays in to a bag to scoop out our lunch as seen in the picture above... Anyways we made it to Miami in one piece and BH we are here and well.... Below are more pics from todays adventure....
Were Here!!!
Just before landing in Ft. Lauderdale